Apple’s fight with Epic Games seems like it will never end. This time, Epic published a blog post saying Cupertino has terminated its developer account in the EU. Previously, BGR covered that Epic planned to release its app store for the iPhone following Apple’s compliance with the EU’s Digital Markets Act.

While the Cupertino firm approved Epic’s Sweden dev account, Apple regretted this decision and terminated Epic’s account. In a blog post, the company calls this a “serious violation of the DMA and shows Apple has no intention of allowing true competition on iOS devices.”

Epic also says that by terminating the company’s developer account, “Apple is taking out one of the largest potential competitors to the Apple App Store. They are undermining our ability to be a viable competitor, and they are showing other developers what happens when you try to compete with Apple or are critical of their unfair practices.”

Epic also highlights numerous ways both companies collaborate even after the lawsuit between the two firms, such as developers using Epic’s Unreal Engine, the company’s subsidiaries offering apps within the App Store, Apple highlighting these apps, making a deal with Epic to create Apple Arcade games, etc.

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Before the ban, Apple didn’t believe Epic Games’ good faith

Epic Games also adds screenshots of exchange messages between Apple’s Phil Schiller and Epic’s CEO Tim Sweeney in the blog post. In one of them, sent in late February, Schiller asks Sweeney how Epic can be trusted.

“In the past, Epic has entered into agreements with Apple and then broken them. For example, you testified that Epic Games, Inc. entered into the Developer Program with full understanding of its terms, and then chose to intentionally breach the agreement with Apple. You also testified that Epic deliberately violated Apple’s rules, to make a point and for financial gain. More recently, you have described our DMA compliance plan as “hot garbage,” a “horror show,” and a “devious new instance of Malicious Compliance.” And you have complained about what you called “Junk Fees” and “Apple taxes,” he wrote. “Please, tell us why we should trust Epic Games this time?”

Sweeney answers back later that day: “Thanks for reaching out. Epic and its subsidiaries are acting in good faith and will comply with all terms of current and future agreements with Apple, and well be glad to provide Apple with any specific further assurances on the topic that you’d like.”

After that, Apple’s lawyers sent a letter to Epic’s lawyers terminating Epic Games Sweeden’s account.

Don’t worry, gamer, Fortnite is still returning

Even if Apple terminates Epic’s dev account, the company could still bring back Fortnite for the iPhone through another app store. The firm is planning to do exactly that. While Apple might add another sanction against Epic Games, it is unclear, but we know for sure that this fight between the two companies isn’t over yet.

In a statement, Apple shared the following: “Epic’s egregious breach of its contractual obligations to Apple led courts to determine that Apple has the right to terminate ‘any or all of Epic Games’ wholly owned subsidiaries, affiliates, and/or other entities under Epic Games’ control at any time and at Apple’s sole discretion.’ In light of Epic’s past and ongoing behavior, Apple chose to exercise that right.”